God's Voice - Part 1

Scripture Reading - John 10:3-5 KJV

3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.

Today’s lesson will examine the “Voice of God”. It is vitally important to “know the Voice of God” because at some time in your life you really need to hear the “Voice of God”. In today’s context the “Voice of God” can be looked at as hearing the “Voice of the Good Shepherd”. Of course, the majority of good bible teachers all conclude that the Good Shepherd is The Lord Jesus Christ, therefore when we are looking to hear from God we start with Jesus. We must always remember that Jesus is the Word of God personified (the Word made flesh), so we must be consistent in our understanding of God’s Voice being filled with God’s Word. Currently the dispensation of Grace that we live in is all centered around Jesus. Yes, we preach and teach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, we consistently attempt to help others through understanding the plan and purpose of God in respect to Jesus Christ the Savior of the World. Just knowing about God according to the Old Testament doesn’t work today because during the dispensation of the Law, the people feared God and there was no open revelation of Jesus Christ. However today under the New Covenant we are made into the image and likeness of God through Jesus Christ. The reason we are starting with Jesus Christ is because according to Hebrews 12:2a KJV we are to look at Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Yes, Jesus is the center of it all, so we must “hear His Voice” to even get into the sheepfold. Yes, to be a sheep of Jesus you must follow the voice of Jesus. Therefore it is easy for us (ihlcc) to conclude that all God’s Children have heard the Voice of God at one time or another. Sometimes we don’t truly understand that God is speaking to us but none-the-less it is still “God’s Voice” attempting to communicate with His beloved children. Starting at the beginning whenever one is responding to an alter call to give their life unto God. The Lord Jesus with the Holy Spirit of God is speaking to the unsaved person’s heart pleading with them to become born-again (part of God’s Family). Now, this “voice” might not be audible or blaringly obvious but it is still the “voice of the good shepherd”, for Jesus is always involved with any new sheep coming into His fold. Jesus is calling to every soul but only certain people respond. What we (ihlcc) are saying is that every child of God has heard the “voice of God” at one time in their life but those who continuously walk with God will hear more of “God’s Voice” and they will have a better understanding of God’s Word to know exactly what God is speaking to them. This principle is true for all mankind because the people you are around the most are more than likely the same people that you know (you recognize) their “voice”. Your “voice” represents exactly who you are wherever you are. Yes who you are to God, who you are to others and who you are to yourself. Likewise, The “Voice of God” represents exactly who God is and measures out just how much of God we can see (handle, understand, comprehend, etc..) at certain times in our life. We certainly remember when Jesus walked and talked with his original 12 disciples. It was not by accident that the disciples became very familiar with the “Voice of the Good Shepherd, Jesus” simply because they were in His Presence (listening to Him) and they were doing His Will upon the (His) earth. Why, we are bringing this up is because it’s good to hear from God but it is even better to do whatever the Lord is asking for you to do. Hearing the “Voice of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ”, should be started with God’s Word. The statement in verse 3 where it is mentioned, “he calleth his own sheep by name” shows us that Jesus is very personal with His brethren for we are family. Yes, Jesus prefers to be very open and very honest with all His people because the Body of Christ, all believers, represent Jesus upon the earth. We must always remember that according to Hebrews 13:8 KJV that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever”. So the more you learn about Jesus in the Holy Bible the more you will be able to recognize the “Voice of Jesus” speaking in your heart. We notice in today’s reference scripture verse 4 that Jesus said, “the sheep follow him: for they know his voice”. This means the Good Shepherd started the conversation to draw you into salvation but the Lord Jesus was very clear to say they (all the children of God) know His Voice and knowing that voice is one way they follow God. Since the scripture spoken by Jesus Christ is absolute truth which cannot be broken let us accept what His Word declares and agree with God. Since the Word of God declares that, “I know the Voice of the Good Shepherd” we must say the same thing. We (ihlcc) state that because many believers confess that, “they don’t know the Voice of God” so it is hard for them to hear from God on a consistent basis. Yes, we (ihlcc) believe God is still talking to them but if they are persuaded in their own mind that they can’t hear God’s Voice they would not recognize God’s Voice no matter what format it comes to them. Yes, God’s Voice has to line-up with God’s Word and that is how verse 5 is understood. We notice that the sheep know the (thee, single) “voice of the Good Shepherd” but “many voices” are in the world. We choose not to follow the crowd but be a follower of The Leader Jesus Christ. The reason we can tell the difference is by comparing the information we hear and are constantly hearing to the Word of God. The words spoken by the voice that line-up with God’s Word is the voice of the Good Shepherd. However, all the voices (plural, many) that are contrary to truth and righteousness are not God’s Word so those evil, idle or ungodly voices are not the voice of the Good Shepherd. Start with knowing that the Good Shepherd was sent to the earth specifically to do you good. Like they used to say, “If it is good it is God and if it is not good it is not God” speaking of understanding “God’s Voice” in the general sense and if you don’t know if it is good or bad stay in God’s Word until you do know. Amen! We hope this fundamental message about “knowing God’s Voice” helps you to understand (see) that it is not hard to hear “God’s Voice” you just need to spend adequate time in God’s Word to get to know Him (God, Jesus) better. Once you know God’s Word (The Holy Bible) better you will at the same time know the “voice of the Good Shepherd” better too. The Voice of Good Shepherd got you into the Kingdom of God and His Voice we keep you strong and victorious as a citizen of the Kingdom of God in Jesus Name. Amen!